Extra lines showing using shortcode

Menubar Extra lines showing using shortcode

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  • #9487 Reply


    I’m trying to use menubar as a shortcode in a page builder Thrive Architect.

    However there are extra grey lines above and below the menu.

    I have a demo here https://urbanchocolatier.com.au/menu-test-2/

    Also how can I can I get your menubar to behave like the “menu” item on the page so it displays the sub-menu but has no link itself.

    Many thanks


    #9489 Reply
    Plugin Author

    Hi Alan,

    Sorry for the late reply!

    Unfortunately I don’t see your demo page, probably it’s been removed already.

    About your second question, you can use the ‘Heading’ menu item type, or the ‘External’ type setting the URL field to ‘#’.

    Please note that you can use sub-menus only with the Suckerfish or Superfish menu templates.

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