Search Modes

Each field can be searched using one of the available search modes, depending on the field contents.

Search modes for fields containing text

* contains: the search will find any text containing the text specified by your visitors, e.g. a search for John will find John, Johnson, Long John Silver, and so on.

* is: the search will find the text specified by your visitors, e.g. a search for John will find John only.

* is like: the search will find any text matching the expression specified by your visitors. The expression is a text that can contain the optional wildcard characters:

— Percent sign (%): matches any number of characters;
— Underscore (_): matches any single character.

E.g. a search for John% will find John, Johnson, John Silver, and so on.

Search modes for fields containing a number

* is: the search will find the number specified by your visitors, e.g. a search for 3.0 will find 3.0, 3, 3.00 and so on.

* range: the search will find the numbers within the limits specified by your visitors, e.g. a search within the limits 4 and 10 will find the numbers 4, 10, and all the numbers in between.

Search modes for fields containing a date

* age range: the search will find the dates within the age limits specified by your visitors, e.g. a search within the age limits 20 and 30 made on April-25-2017 will find the dates April-26-1987, April-25-1997, and all the dates in between.

In other words, the age range search mode looks for the number of years elapsed from the date contained in the date field.

If the field contains the birth date of a person, the time elapsed is the age of that person, and this explains the name age range.

In other examples, if the field contains a marriage date, the time elapsed represents the years of marriage, or if the field contains the date of the first club subscription, the time elapsed represents the years of membership.

You will probably need to change the field Label and Description in your form. For instance, if the original field name is Date of Birth and the description Enter your birth date, you could replace them with Age and Enter the age limits.

Search modes for fields containing a single value chosen from a given set (e.g. Drop Down Select Box and Radio Buttons types)

* is: the search will find the value specified by your visitors, e.g. a search for Rabbits will find Rabbits only.

* is one of: the search will find the values specified by your visitors, e.g. a search for (Rabbits, Snakes, Wolves) will find Rabbits, Snakes, and Wolves.

Search modes for fields containing a set of values chosen from a given set (e.g. Checkboxes and Multi Select Box types)

* match any: the search will find the sets containing at least one of the values specified by your visitors, e.g. a search for (Cats, Dogs, Rabbits) will find (Dogs), (Cats, Horses), (Cats, Rabbits, Snakes), and so on.

* match all: the search will find the sets containing all the values specified by your visitors, e.g. a search for (Rabbits, Wolves) will find (Rabbits, Wolves), (Rabbits, Snakes, Wolves), (Cats, Rabbits, Wolves), and so on.