City search

BP Profile Search City search

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  • #12211 Reply

    In one of your screenshots there is a location search where the user can put in his city and then set a search radius.
    I would like to have that kind of search but still pretty new to bp and your plugin. Is there any “easy” documentation how to do that?

    Thanks for help in advance, great plugin!

    #12212 Reply

    After my post I saw that there is a extra plugin for that. Installed it and it works. So this topic is obsolet.
    But let me ask a different question. Is it difficult to extend the search to conditional search which means f.e. search for the age AND the location?

    #12213 Reply
    Plugin Author

    Hi Ben,

    You will need BP Distance Search in addition to BP Profile Search and of course BuddyPress.

    A good starting point for using search forms is here:

    but if you need further information, please feel free to ask!

    #12214 Reply
    Plugin Author

    To answer your second question, yes, you can build search forms with any number of search fields, and your search results will match all the conditions in your search fields.

    #12215 Reply

    Yes, I saw this after my post. I just forget to switch off toggle otherwise it didn’t work.
    As I said, I am pretty new to BP and your plugin.

    Great plugin! Thanks for making it!

    #12216 Reply
    Plugin Author

    Thank you, and good luck with your new BP project!

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