Problems with random search

BP Profile Search Problems with random search

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  • #12353 Reply

    I added random search to the options field.

    For testing I added 10 users to buddypress, two of them with the gender “divers”.

    If I perform a search for gender it always shows only one user of the gender “divers” at the random filter. If I switch back to alphabetical it shows the correct 2.

    I want to remove alphabetical search from filters cause it shows all users from the website. Instead using random. Random from all users which I can limit then to a specific number via bp_has_members() and the max parameter.

    Do you have a solution for that problem? To show the correct 2 users in random filter like in alphabet?

    #12356 Reply
    Plugin Author

    Hi Alex,

    The ‘Random’ sorting option should display the same users shown by the ‘Last Active’ or the ‘Newest Registered’ options, but in a random order.

    If some users are not shown in ‘Last Active’, that’s because they have never been active, so you could make them modify their profile fields, send a message, or perform any activity, and they will be shown.

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