Matching users with users and with projects

BP Profile Search Matching users with users and with projects

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  • #12090 Reply

    Dear Andrea,
    I’m looking for a solution where I can match my members with a form where they can choose which kind of real estate development they are interested, I need to match them with the developments and with each other’s shown a percentage.
    For example a new user used my form, gets the information if there is a good development project in the database like they are in a location with the right investment range for the user, then I would like to show if there are other users searches matching the criterias by x%. Of course this is just the long story short version, but that’s that main goal. Is there a way I can use Your plugin for that? Or is there an opurtunity to customize it.

    #12091 Reply
    Plugin Author

    Hi Attila,

    Unfortunately I can’t see how to use or customize BP Profile Search the way you need.

    Basically, BP Profile Search can only find users who match a set of criteria, and adding the missing features would require significant effort.

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