Get menu to link to Headers

Menubar Get menu to link to Headers

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  • #9441 Reply
    Alan Anderson

    I am trying to create menus to apply to my static pages. Your app works!. Thank you.

    However I’m new to this and am not sure how to handle these two issues:


    I want to add sections to the menu linked to the headings on the page. So if I press “Weather” it drops straight to that Heading at the end of the page etc.
    I suspect I am being dumb.
    Currently the menu edit looks like this
    Name Botswana Country Information
    Type Page: a static page
    Page —BOTSWANA
    CSS Class left empty
    Attributes left empty


    Can I make the Menu created with your App “sticky”? ie. If I scroll down the page can it always still be visible?

    Thank you,


    #9444 Reply
    Plugin Author

    Hi Alan,

    On question 1, you can use the ‘External’ type for your menu item, so you can enter your URL as:

    where ‘’ is the URL of your page and ‘heading-xy’ is the id of your heading.

    On question 2, which menu template are you using?

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