Converting fields

BP Profile Search Converting fields

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  • #11977 Reply

    Hi Andrea,

    I have a height field which is of type dropdown as the user can only select one.

    When it comes to the search is there a way to convert this field into a range so the user can set a minimum and maximum to search between.


    #11984 Reply
    Plugin Author

    Hi Alex,

    Sorry for the late reply!

    You can try this:

    1. Add this code to your bp-custom.php file:

    add_filter ('bps_xprofile_format', 'convert_format', 10, 2);
    function convert_format ($default, $field_id)
    	// replace 143 with your field ID
    	if ($field_id == 143)  return 'decimal';
    	return $default;

    2. Go back to your search form edit page, and select the new option range as your Search Mode

    3. Now the search form should display two input boxes instead of a drop-down menu.

    #11986 Reply

    Hi Andrea,

    Thanks for the reply and it does convert them to two blank input boxes, what I actually need is to have to two drop down select fields that populate from the profile field height. There is a range from 4′ to 6’7″ and I need those values pulled into the select fields.


    #11993 Reply
    Plugin Author

    Hi Alex,

    You can add some more code to bp-custom.php:

    add_action ('bps_field_before_search_form', 'change_display');
    function change_display ($f)
    	// replace 143 with your field ID
    	if ($f->code == 'field_143' && $f->display == 'range')
    		$f->display = 'range-select';
    		$f->options = array ('' => '') + $f->options;

    Together with the previous code, this should do what you need.

    #11994 Reply

    Hi Andrea,

    When I try that it throws up a critical WordPress error.

    My code is this:
    add_filter (‘bps_xprofile_format’, ‘convert_format’, 10, 2);
    function convert_format ($default, $field_id)
    // replace 143 with your field ID
    if ($field_id == 20) return ‘decimal’;
    return $default;

    add_action (‘bps_field_before_search_form’, ‘change_display’);
    function change_display ($f)
    // replace 143 with your field ID
    if ($f->code == ‘field_20’ && $f->display == ‘range’)
    $f->display = ‘range-select’;
    $f->options = array (” => ”) + $f->options;

    The field is set to a dropdown and the id of the input is “field_20_range”.

    Not sure what’s going on, any help would be great.


    #11995 Reply
    Plugin Author

    Hi Alex,

    A few suggestions:

    1. Please make sure the code is copied correctly, especially the quote characters should be the same as in my original code above;

    2. Try to recover the full error message, you could temporarily set WP_DEBUG to true to see the error message (

    3. If everything else fails, I can have a look at your testing site to better understand what’s happening.

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